Monday, March 12, 2012

So, The day I started this Blog in the morning I was doing pretty good then all of a sudden I was for no apparent reason  struck with a strong case of boredom, so I went to look up articles on boredom and came across this one:

Boredom is good for you, study claims

Being bored can motivate people to 'engage in prosocial tasks and encourage more meaningful behaviour'

Now if don't want to read the whole thing here is a little excerpt:

"Boredom makes people long for different and purposeful activities, and as a result they turn towards more challenging and meaningful activities, turning towards what they perceive to be really meaningful in life," said Van Tilburg.

My question is if this is true then why as I did the other day retreat into a TV coma. I am pretty sure I don't find Television to be meaningful at all, actually I know I don't.

So the question is when you are bored do you find meaningful things to do? and then if you do meaningful things then are you actually bored??????

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